Welcome Letter – 2023-24 School Year

Hello Lincoln families!

On behalf of the PTA, welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! (And a special warm welcome to our new Lincoln leopards!) We are looking forward to a great year filled with amazing events and community building activities!

Here is a parent checklist to get you ready for the new year:

1. Join or renew your membership so you can vote during our meetings, sign up to be a room parent or party volunteer, or chair a committee. Membership also gives you access to our digital school directory through Directory Spot. Click here to join the PTA!

(Please note: Directory Spot will be up and running about a week after school starts. Please be patient as our volunteer puts the information into the system.) 

2. Buy spirit wear here. LAST DAY TO ORDER IS TODAY, August 31st. Orders will be sent home from school with students about 3 weeks after the store closes.  

3. Sign up to be room parent here.

What is the role of a room parent? As a room parent, you will relay communications to parents for PTA and the teacher, and oversee the planning and execution of 3 class parties, including asking classroom parents for needed party donations (materials). Each room parent is guaranteed to attend at least one class party. You will also help coordinate the End-of-the-Year picnic, which is a grade-level picnic held in May. 

If you sign up to be a room parent, please mark your calendar for our “Room Parent and Committee Chair Informational Meeting”:

Tuesday, September 19 @ 1pm @ Glen Ellyn Library – 1st floor conference room OR Wednesday, Sept 20th @ 7pm via Zoom (for those who are unable to attend on the 19th).

4. Sign up to volunteer at a class party here

What is the role of a party volunteer? As a party volunteer, you will help plan and execute one room party under the direction of the room parent team.

Holiday Party Dates:

  • Halloween: Tuesday, Oct 31st (SIP Day – morning); Kinder parties are on Monday, Oct 30th.
  • Winter: Friday, Dec 22nd (SIP Day – morning); Kinder parties are on Thursday, Dec 21st.
  • Valentine’s: Wednesday, Feb 14th (Morning for AM Kinder. Afternoon for PM Kinder and Grades 1-5)

5. Sign up to run a club or committee here. Got an idea for a new club you’d like to run?? Send us an email at [email protected]

If you are a committee chair, please mark your calendar for our “Room Parent and Committee Chair Informational Meeting”:

Tuesday, September 19 @ 1pm @ Glen Ellyn Library – 1st floor conference room OR Wednesday, Sept 20th @ 7pm via Zoom (for those who are unable to attend on the 19th).

6. NEW District 41 safety protocol this year for any and all volunteers who plan to come into the school or join on field trips. Please review the Volunteer Handbook and be sure to fill out this link on the last page of the handbook.

7. Mark your calendars and join us if you can!  

PTA Meetings 2023-24

  • Tuesday, September 12 @ 2pm – Lincoln Teacher’s Lounge*
  • Tuesday, October 17 @ 2pm – Lincoln Teacher’s Lounge
  • Tuesday, November 14 @ 7pm via Zoom 
  • Tuesday, January 9 @ 2pm – Lincoln Teacher’s Lounge
  • Tuesday, February 27 @ 7pm via Zoom
  • Tuesday April 2 @ 2pm – Lincoln Teacher’s Lounge
  • Tuesday, April 30 @ 2pm – Lincoln Teacher’s Lounge

*Please note: We understand that most of these meetings occur during the workday. Our exec team has tried hard to find times that accommodate the majority of those who would like to attend. Whether working or staying-at-home, we have found evening meetings are truly challenging for most. To accommodate those who are unable to come to Lincoln during daytime meetings, all meetings will have a Zoom option. The Zoom link will be available on the “Abe Lincoln Leopard Spot ” Facebook page a day before the meeting, or you can email [email protected] and we will send you the link! Once our meeting has ended, we are also happy to send out a copy of our “Meeting Minutes” for those who would like to know what has been discussed. Thank you in advance for understanding the challenges of scheduling meetings!

We hope you all have a fantastic school year! 🙂 

Martha Foley, President
Lindsey Sloan, VP
Marta Scarleski, VP
Lindsay Williams, Treasurer
Amy Colo, Secretary

Search the Abraham Lincoln PTA Website

Our goal is to make information about programs, events, and students as easy to access as possible. If you need assistance or have questions, feel free to contact us