Scan Box Tops and support Lincoln PTA

Remember that every box top is worth $0.10.  They add up quick!

If you haven’t already, make sure you, your family and your neighbors download the Box Tops for Education app to your phone.

  • Shop as your normally would
  • After you checkout (in person or on-line), scan your receipt into the app (make sure to assign your child’s homeroom teacher’s name in the “CREDIT” section so that your child’s class will get credit for the box tops submitted)
  • The app will automatically credit Abraham Lincoln Elementary’s box top earnings online!

Also, if you still have any of the PAPER Box Tops, please send a note to the email below and we will make sure they can be included in this fall’s submission for Box Tops credit.

Questions? Email: [email protected].

Search the Abraham Lincoln PTA Website

Our goal is to make information about programs, events, and students as easy to access as possible. If you need assistance or have questions, feel free to contact us