Parent/Teacher Conferences
This year, D41 elementary schools will offer parent-teacher conferences in two formats, in person and virtual. We will offer two nights in each format in the hopes parents can attend what works best for their family. All conference evenings run 4:00-7:30.
- October 26th- in person
- October 28th- virtual
- November 8th – in person
- November 10th – virtual
The window for signing up for these in Skyward will open on Monday, October 11th at 6:00pm and will close at 9am on Friday, October 22nd.
If you sign up for a virtual conference, teachers will send you information and a link to access your conference. In person conferences will run in the building as they have in the past.
Please see the attached PDFs for instructions on how to schedule your Fall 2021 Parent/Teacher Conference. If you would like an in person (traditional) conference, please sign up for October 26th or November 8th. Two of our conference dates are virtual- these are October 28th and November 10th.
Conference Scheduling- English
Conference Scheduling- Spanish
Please refer to the emails Principal Sarah Rodriguez sent on 9/27 and 10/8.