About Junior Great Books
NOTE: Due to Covid, this PTA program has been suspended until further notice.
What is Junior Great Books?
If your 3-5th grader loves to read and discuss short stories, please register for Junior Great Books! We will read a short story each week and have a discussion about it during lunch and recess. All children in 3-5th grade are welcome to register for this fun activity!
When does Junior Great Books meet?
Junior Great Books meets one time a week during the entire lunch/recess period for 9 weeks (usually between November and March). Books will be provided to all students who register to participate. This is a parent led activity, so please consider volunteering to lead your child’s group (all materials will be provided) and students are grouped with their same grade peers.
How do I join?
Registration is $25* and can be paid via the PTA Webstore. No additional paper sign up needed.
*The Abe Lincoln PTA does not want cost to limit participation for our students. If you have a need for financial assistance, please let Mrs. Sabalaskey in the office know.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who teaches the students?
Each group is led by parent volunteer(s). There will be a 3rd grade parent(s) leading the group of 3rd graders, a 4th grade parent(s) leading the 4th graders, and a 5th grade parent(s) leading the 5th graders. After the registration is closed, all of the participants’ parents will be contacted to see if they can help lead the discussions. You may lead individually or a group of parents can collaborate and take turns leading throughout the 9 weeks.
Which day of the week does Great Books meet?
Great Books meets on the same day each week (1 time per week); that day is chosen based on the parent instructors’ availability and classroom availability during lunch and recess.
Will Great Books occur on a day my child has PE, since they are missing recess?
There is really no correlation between PE and what day GB will occur as it depends on the availability of the volunteer instructor and classroom space during lunch and recess. Generally, this has not been an issue for our participants, but we understand every child is different. You know best whether or not a lunch time program is appropriate for your child. If it’s not, consider one of our after-school brain builders, such as Chess Club.
Will my child have time to eat?
Usually the format for Great Books is to have the students all meet with the instructor(s). The instructor(s) will then read the short story to the students while they eat their lunches. After that, there will be questions and discussion about that short story.
What will you be reading?
We use the Junior Great Books Book 1 in Series 3, 4 and 5 (grade 3 reads Series 3, grade 4 reads series 4, and grade 5 reads series 5).
Email: [email protected]