Book Club: 2nd-4th grades
What is Book Club?
Lincoln’s book club meets after school from 3:30-4:30 pm. The book club meets three times a school year – usually November, February and April. The goal of the book club is to promote a love of reading and strengthen comprehension. We will discuss a specific book and play a game related to the material.
Who can join Book Club?
Book Club is targeted to 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students.
How does my student join?
Email your student’s name, grade and teacher’s name to this address: BookClub@ Read the selected book by himself/herself or with a parent.
Copies of the book will be made available.
Come ready to discuss the book with classmates.
Bring water and a nut free snack from home.
Pick up your child at 4:30 p.m. at Door 1 at Lincoln
If your child rides the bus or goes to the YMCA, please notify the front office.
Email: BookClub@abelincolnpta.
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Book Fair is cancelled tomorrow, Oct 8th
Dear Lincoln Families, According to weather updates, we have anticipated rain in the forecast for tomorrow and our rain date of next Friday. In an effort