Fall Fun Run 2024 Kicks Off Tuesday, September 3rd!

Abe Lincoln PTA is pumped to kick off the fourth annual Abe Lincoln Fall Fun Run, with the fundraising platform launching Tuesday, September 3rd!

The key word here is FUN: students get to have fun with their whole grade on Thursday, September 26; parents get an easy way to support Lincoln; and teachers, well, they just might win a prize themselves!

Last year we raised over $24,000, which was $4,000 over our fundraising goal. The bulk of the money raised goes into funding our school clubs and programs, such as: assemblies, field trips, high interest day, drama club, chess club, community outreach program, ice cream social, and more!  These school events would not be possible without your generosity for this event.  

With the surplus money last year, we were also able to purchase new recess equipment, help launch the One School One Book program, treat all staff to a coffee/latte bar, buy extra birthday books for Mrs. Rodriguez, and purchase additional materials for the resource teachers.   It was amazing to see the Lincoln community come together and even more amazing to see how far your generous donations went!

Registration is free, quick, and you can even link your whole family up to share donations among siblings.  You can scan the QR code below or click on the link.

While we are using a third party platform and secure payment site, this event is run entirely by Abe Lincoln PTA and school staff. Let’s do this, Leopards!

Check those take home folders for more information!  And take special note of the color of your flyer– this will be your child’s team color for the race!

Questions? Email: [email protected]

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