Room Parent/Committee Chair Info Meeting

Monday, September 9 @ 10am @ Glen Ellyn Library 1st floor conference room


Monday, September 9 @ 7pm via Zoom (for those who are unable to attend the morning time).

Join us for one of two opportunities to learn more about the role of a Room Parent and/or Committee Chair. Thank you for volunteering!

What is the role of a room parent?

Sign up to be room parent here.

As a room parent you will relay communications to parents for PTA and the teacher, help organize and plan class parties, and if needed, ask classroom parents for party donations. Each room parent is guaranteed to attend at least one class party. You will also help coordinate the End-of-the-Year picnic, which is a grade-level picnic held in May.

Committee Chairs

Sign up to run a club or committee here.

The event is finished.


Sep 09 2024


All of the day


Glen Ellyn Public Library
1st Floor Conference Room

Search the Abraham Lincoln PTA Website

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