5th Grade Drama Signups Due!

5th Grade Drama Signups – DUE FRIDAY, 12/3
– Signups were distributed via backpack mail on Tuesday (5th Grade Drama Application)
– Casting auditions will be held Friday, 12/10, right after school. If your child has a conflict on Friday and would still like to be part of the musical, please contact us.
– Script distribution and meeting, 12/16, right after school in new gym
– Performances the weekend of 2/25 – 2/27
5th Grade Drama is back and we are excited to announce the show – The Rainbow Fish Musical! It’s such a fun show that the students will love performing and the audience will love watching. No experience is necessary and ALL 5th graders are welcome!
We have two amazing directors, Marissa Banker and James Demeny, who are excited to work with Lincoln! Rehearsals will be held right after school on Thursdays and Fridays between 3:30 and 6:00 pm from January 6 to February 27. Actors, however, likely won’t be called to every rehearsal. Once casting is complete, a schedule will be distributed so students know what days to attend based on their role and the scene that is being rehearsed. Performances will be held at Hadley Jr. High the weekend of February 25-27.
There is a $50 fee to help with production costs. The Lincoln PTA does not want to limit participation for our students. If you have a need for financial assistance, please contact Mrs. Sabalaskey in the office (630-790-6475).
We are grateful so many parents are enthusiastic about helping with the show and will communicate shortly about parent volunteer opportunities.
We know so many of the 5th graders have been looking forward to this experience and we are happy the musical can be held this year. Please know that COVID safety protocols that are in place at Lincoln will be implemented at rehearsals and performances as well.
If your student is interested, please be sure they return their application by this Friday. We’ll send more specific communication about auditions to those who are interested in participating.
Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any questions.
Carrie Brondyke and Kristen Schaffnit