Dear Lincoln Families,
According to weather updates, we have anticipated rain in the forecast for tomorrow and our rain date of next Friday. In an effort to definitively have the book fair with confidence, we are cancelling the in-person fair on both October 8th and 15th, and moving to a virtual fair only.
Families will be able to purchase books from Anderson’s directly online and – if the order is placed during the virtual book fair window – we will pick up the books from the warehouse and deliver them to the school for distribution sometime the first week of November.
All proceeds still go directly to the Lincoln library and PTA! We will be sending further details and instructions to shop the virtual book fair soon.
A huge thank you to Principal Rodriguez, our PTA Presidents, Treasurer, our librarians, custodial staff, IT/technology department, Inclusivity committee, and everyone who signed up to volunteer to help.
Thank you, Book Fair Committee